Five Factors of Resilience, where to start

May is Mental Health Awareness month. I hope everyone is safe and following your local heath agencies Social distancing and safe at home. Now is the time to start building a path to plan to get through this. Resilience is the ability that individuals and entities call on to help deal with stressful circumstances and situations.  The ability to cope with challenges and setbacks, then rebound to the previous or better state.   Resilience is an ability, and not an in born trait, everyone has the ability to develop and use it.  Resilience is like a journey, a path way to self-improvement success and happiness out of life’s experiences.  You fall down and get back up, clean off the hurt and learn from it.  You fail at on a test, you evaluate what happened and prepare for the next test.  It is a process that is learned over time.

There are “Five Leading Indicators of Resilience” (1), knowing and understanding these indicators is a good start toward building a path using your Resilience.    Five Leading Indicators of Resilience are self-care, active problem-solving, positive outlook, meaning and purpose, and social support.  That when nurtured by “enhancing these aspects of one’s life will increase personal resilience and, in turn, bolster the capacity to handle challenges”.      

     Self-care – One of the most important part of handling unexpected stressful challenges, is to take care of yourself.  Your personal health, be it physical, emotional or mental need to be maintained.  It is something that only you can do for yourself and take control.  By addressing any known issues you have, you are potentially avoiding future problems.

      Active problem-solving – Develop a plan to address what the challenge may be.  Keeping you mind focused on dealing with the issue will help take you attention off the challenge and work toward a resolution.   Start a plan and set obtainable goals, breaking the plan into manageable parts.  Achieving a number of smaller goals will help build your confidence to move toward the final goal.

     Positive outlook – Being positive is important to allow your thoughts and emotions to settle down. It allows you to destress, you can’t think clearly when you are stressed. Stress comes from how you react to a given situation or uncontrollable event.  Reduce the stress by take a deep breath count to ten and take control of your emotions and thoughtfully consider your best response! Doing that will give you a since of purposes and drive toward bouncing back.   

     Meaning and purpose-Everyone needs a purpose, a reason to get out of bed in the morning.  Weather it being going to work or school, having a social group activity or a hobby to focus on.  Once you have digested the circumstances or source of distress, which can take time in a drawn out event which we are all facing,   Step back and develop your next action is acting with a purpose.  The best action is acting in a meaningful way.

     Social support – Social interactions and meaningful connected relationships are essential to building you support network and personal resilience.  Drawing on your support connections like family members, co-workers, member of clubs or groups you belong to.  If you are is school or college you have teachers and class mates.  Being able to talk to people you trust and know you personally.  They help you gain a different perspective of the situation.   

Five Factors of Resilience, where to start.  Each of us has the ability to develop proper perspective utilizing these five steps.  We are experiencing an event that will have last repercussions.  Putting this event in a positive perspective and reacting logically.  While many things may be out of control.  You can only control how you respond.  Now is the time to start building a path to being Resilient in life.  Apply the Five Factors of Resilience.

I appreciate you visiting my Making Life Resilience, Where you can Building success and happiness through Resilience. When visiting my Blog page please leave a comment at

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(1)Department of State’s Center of Excellence in Foreign Affairs Resilience (CEFAR) at the

Happy Earth Day 2020

Thursday was 50th year since Earth Day began on 1970. Meant to bring attention to the perils of our precious Earth.  It was grass roots movement that voiced concerns about air pollution, phosphates in the water supply and DDT fertilizers.  It makes me think that with the current Pandemic and numerous virus of concern over the past decades.  Is the earth trying to tell us something?  Are these events warnings that the status quo is not sustainable?  Let’s take this Earth Day 2020 to reflect on the planet that we live on.  

Image result for Earth
Our planet Earth

Today April 24th is also Arbor Day, set aside to celebrate nature!  You know, that planet we live on. The one and only! Arbor Day also coincides with the planting season for farmers.  Our relationship with nature and our environment is out of balance and needs to be analyzed.  We need to act now to save the Earth. The Earth is Resilient!  Observing the changes in wild life activity in just a month of humans isolating around the world. Wild life on city streets, aquatic creatures have water ways and territory range free of human activity.  The air is now clean in cities that struggle with air pollution and relate health issues.  The demand for gas is dropped so much there is a surplus of supply.  Gas has dropped to a $1 or less in some areas of the country. We should, collectively be using this period of isolation to reflect on things that need to be changed, or done differently.  We all come from different backgrounds, experiences, and cultures. But we are all human beings. On this one planet we call home. Lets come up with a different status quo!

Image result for stock tree images
Can you the forest through the trees?

The Earth is very Resilient and we should be thankful for that!  Recovery can take a long time to fully succeed but this period can be a starting point of something new.  Something more resulting in positive forward improvement for everyone.  Something that can be started from within the fabric of our communities and our ability to be resilient!   You know, Resilience!

Please share your Resilience experience and stay safe during the trying time for everyone. Leave a comment. Check the links to Earth Day and Arbor day web sites.

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Happy Easter April 12. 2020

Making Life Resilient would like to wish you a Happy Easter!  While we are celebrating Easter under unusual circumstance.  Being at home and spending time with immediate family members can bring your family closer together.  It is a time to truly appreciate what you have.  Finding the blessings in your life and taking stock in what you have.  The foundation of Resilience.

Pastel Easter sky

We also need to remember and support the front line medical professionals, first responders and essential employees that are risking their lives and safety to keep essential services operating.  Remember to practice social distancing and to stay at home unless you absolutely have to go out per your state and local directives.    

Spring flowers
Spring garden


There are many families and individuals that do not have a lot to be thankful for.  Let us remember those the need of love and assistance.  Check on elderly neighbors and support a family in need with food supplies or a monetary gift to help them.  And give to your local charities, food banks and relief agencies that are there to help those in need.  

                                                      HAPPY EASTER!

My next post I will continue providing Resilience, so keep checking back for updates.  When visiting my Blog page please leave a comment at or


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Surviving the 2020 Pandemic

We are experiencing a worldwide pandemic that has spread to every corner of the globe. It is affecting everyday life like no other event in memorial history! Citizens are instructed to practice “social distancing”, countries and cities are going on lock down with shelter in place orders. Local intuitions like schools, government offices, courts, restaurants, malls, religious gatherings entertainment and some means of travel all closed down.


It is times like these that lasting changes are often implemented. We see that every day in the news. From health officials and political leaders alike. Where this goes from here nobody knows. One thing you can control is how you reaction to the situation. This is where Resilience starts, with controlling you reaction, controlling your emotions and relying on your network for support.

I talked about the various levels of Resilience in my Blog post “The Resilience Cycle” (Sep 27, 2019). Resilience comes in many flavors or levels in society. Resilience is like building blocks.  The more Resilience there is in a community, whether it be a family, a school or church group or government agency.  Equates to a positive Resilience vibe in the community and can translate into individual life’s. The strength and power of Resilience builds on one another.  

We can all be strong when we all work together, this is what makes a community a successful and a society a successful society. Practice social distancing, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, self-isolate if you are systematic and abide by any state or local warnings. Work from home if you can and if employees can’t, employers should limit the number of employees in the office if possible.


The federal government is working on stimulus packages to help employees separated from their jobs during this Pandemic. Assistance for affected corporations, small business relieve and checks to all American workers and their families, to help during this unrepresented, global life changing period of time. This is where Resilience starts, with assistance from government, the Treasury Department, various State departments of labor and employment and local support agencies. You can dial 211 for local community resources connecting individuals and families to address needs such as food, shelter, rental assistance childcare and more services.

Hopefully you have been maintaining a budget to track your finical weaknesses and have been able to save an emergency fund for just such situations. In my Blog post “Get real with your finances!” (Aug 2, 2019), I talked about making your financial life resilient.  Check the Blog post for budgeting tips. If you can take the correct actions and plan for a changing future you to can start the process of building Resilience!  NOW!!

My next post I will posted in a more timely fashion, so keep checking back for updates.  When visiting my Blog page please leave a comment at Makingliferesilient or


Twitter @getresilience


You make 2020 a year of Resilience!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year! As I take time to reflect the past year and the wonderful things that happened to me, I pause to how prosperous and Resilient myself and my family has been. I gives me inspiration to share the art and technique of being Resilient.

You to can work toward finding your Resilience and build toward prosperity and success at making life improvements in 2020. I hope you will follow my blog Making life Resilient and share you journey toward positive growth and happiness. My goal for Making Life Resilient is to be able to reach out to those in need and start work in a positive direction. Making a difference for the start of an new vision.

Share your stores of how your life has been Resilient and what you do to remain strong through your adversities. Let me know it you start using these tips if you have success. You can share them on this Blog or my Twitter account @getresilience or to my e-mail

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The Resilience Cycle

Resilience is the ability that individuals call on to help deal with stressful situations.  The ability to cope with problems and setbacks then rebound to the pervious state or better.   Resilience comes in many flavors or levels in society.  There is economic resilience, which many economies experience, like after say a financial crash, like in 2008.  There is community resilience, like after a natural disaster such a hurricane, like Puerto Rico or the California fires last year.  And there is national resilience, like the recovery after 911 (09/11/2001).  Events like these are recoverable because governments and agencies are in place to prepare for and respond to the aftermath of such events.  There is a need for a Resilience cycle at work.

  These types of resilience take a lot of professionals and leaders to overcome.  Then there is personal resilience.  That resilience that deals with personal setbacks and challenges.  Such as health issues, family issues, death of a loved one, divorce or a job loss for example.  Although the latter type of resilience is usually out of your and my control.  The two types of resilience are somewhat co-dependent.  In the case of wide spread event occurrence, the resilience of individuals that handle the wide spread event occurrence needs to be there.  And the resilience of people who suffer through the wide spread event occurrence, need to be resilient in and of them self’s. 

     In order for an entity such as a country, state, city, an organization or business to have resilient mind set.  The elected officials, organization or business need to be resilient like wise.  In the case of a county or a government to be prosperous, an environment needs to be established that helps it population to be or become resilient.  People can only be truly resilient when they have the assistance and support of others around them.  Family, friends, work associates and an economic and social environment or culture that feed the Resilience Cycle.

     In order to create an economic and social environment feeds the Resilience Cycle. We need to have the right people in place, at each level of the economic and social environment.  We face the opportunity to do this is a month or so and again in November of nest year.  In order to achieve this we need to be aware and educated about the challenges that we face.  Do your individual research and be prepared to make educated decisions in regards to Resilience cycle.

     My next post is going to be a book review of a motivational book I’ve read recently.  Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell.  When visiting my Blog page please leave a comment at Makingliferesilient or


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Get real with your finances!

Making your financial life resilient can take some work and effort.  It takes action, they say that knowledge is power.  Knowledge concerning your finances can give you the power to take control. You can harness this power to effectively manage your financial situation and make the move toward Making Life Resilient.  This Blog post is education on money management and programs to educate affected consumers through financial awareness.  Here are some steps that you can take to take control of your finances. Most importantly, don’t panic, that will just add to stress in your life. Stress does not help you to become more resilient.        


Get real. Sit down and look at what you really owe, create a working budget!  Most people hide it from themselves, they don’t know the actual amount of their credit debit, reoccurring bills or their monthly income.  The average person may carry multiple credit cards, at 20% to 29% interest or more. It’s easy to overlook something.

Change your life. Change the way you view money and how you manage it. Asses your financial standing.  List reoccurring living expenses (mortgage, rent, utilities etc.) and non-essential expenses (credit cards, memberships you don’t use, luxury expenses etc.), that can be reduced or eliminated.  Discuss your financial standing with your spouse and other household members.  People inspire one another to reassess their living expenses and find smart ways to downsize. You can change your cell-phone plan, downsize cable services or change how often you are eating meals out of the home. Preparing meals at home is more economical may be more healthy. Take any steps you can to get $$$ extra to put toward debt.

Brace yourself. The minute you make that conscious decision to pay your debt, the car breaks or something else happens to get in your way.  This is life’s way of testing your resolve. Don’t panic, that will just add to stress in your life.  Handling these unexpected situations with wisdom and resolve, proves that you really want to pay off your debt. Which leads to the next step in the process.

Create a cushion. In order to be resilient when life puts you to the test, you will be more successful when you set aside small emergency funds of $500 to $1,000 for life’s financial curve balls. This starts with having a working budget! 

Snowball your debt. You will have had more stamina when you used a popular debt buster approach.  Pay off your smallest debt first, then use the momentum and confidence to tackle the others. Apply the payment made to the first balance to the next balance you plan to pay off. People who used the snowball method seem to have the best grip on their debt. Which can help you build on and strengthen your confidence and resilience factor.

Dedicate whatever you can to your debt. If you can dedicate bonus money, tax refunds or some other wind fall toward creating a cushion, you can put yourself on a course toward financial resilience!  It is harder for those living closer to the budget line. But the amount you pay is less important than staying the course and following your plan. Even paying the minimum is good, if that’s what you can do. I try to pay interest plus $100 when possible.  Most importantly is to NOT keep using your credit cards and try to move toward a cash basis for essentials such as groceries and gasoline. It is not wise to charge consumables.


Share your stores of how your life has been Resilient and what you do to remain strong through your adversities. Let me know it you start using these tips if you have success. You can share them on this Blog or my Twitter account @getresilience or to my e-mail

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Check out this Your Money and More forum for discussion and tips:

Resource: Women in Red Racers | Your Money and More – ProBoards

Making Life Resilient through action.

     MLR Service (Making Life Resilient since 2007) is an entity created to affect the indebtedness of many consumers of all income levels, education and or social status.  Through awareness and stewardship along with planning and savings. Thereby securing resilience when faced with financial adversity.  Education on money management and programs to educate affected consumers through financial awareness.  MLR Service’s (Making Life Resilient since 2007) mission is for a true sense awareness of your finances and your propensity toward resilience. 

      Resilience is the ability to recover fully from a setback or challenge that one is faced with!  Everyone has the ability to be resilient however it is a trait that has to be developed and nurtured.  This Blog and related resources are available to those who seek to be responsible and overcome adversity and be resilient!

     Stewardship is the responsibility, overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving.   One’s mind set and thought pattern is the path toward building resilience when facing life’s uncertainties.   MLR Service (Making Life Resilient since 2007) provides insight and knowledge that can guide one in adapting a way to approaching challenges one may face with confidence and resolve.  This requires commitment and discipline. 

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Wild Butterflies

Butterflies are very resilient creatures.  While they are little fragile creatures they endure extreme challenges’ in their short lived lives.  They start out as caterpillars and through metamorphoses change into beautiful filing works of art. 

They migrate over vast miles taking several and up to dozens of generations to complete the journey! And they usually end up in the same destination as where they started.  This is a truly resilient accomplishment, we are all capable of being resilient, like a Wild Butterfly. 

You too can be resilient in life. Resilience is a skill and technique for responding to and dealing with sudden change or unexpected events you may face. You must be proactive and work toward developing the skill of Resilience.     By tapping into the assistance and support of others around you.  Like family, friends and close acquaintances.   Be prepared to make sound educated decisions in regards to your Resilience skill.   This means having an awareness of your situation and your ability overcome any challenge.
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