Weakness exposed are opportunities to achieve Resilience!

      Well here we are, still experiencing a global pandemic that has affected everyday life globally.  While countries slowly open to businesses, commerce and a more “Normal” existence.  Some countries are more successful than others. However when earth shattering events, such as we have all experienced with the economic down fall and the racial tension witnessed before our very eyes. Not to mention the senseless loss of George Floyd’s life, makes you pause and wonder how did we get here and how do we move on? 

     It’s like the whole World has had a RESET button pushed.  It is like we are all in a worldwide time out, while we watch the facade of society fall away.  Through history, societies have not treated it’s citizens equitably.   This pandemic has exposes the weaknesses and flaws of how systematically, people are unfairly denied basic needs of life!  Like a quality education to prepare for advancing job opportunities, and real jobs with livable incomes.   Access to reliable affordable and consistent health care.  Access to mental health counseling and follow up care. Access to affordable housing with a path toward home ownership, a fundamental goal of any human being. And being able to live without burdensome debit!   These are all areas that can easily be address by funding programs that help build personal Resilience, community Resilience and build an economy based on build people up.  We can do this together, individually.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

     This Blog, Making Life Resilient, is about personal Resilience.  However Resilience comes in many flavors “The Resilience Cycle” Sept 27, 2019″.  There is economic resilience, which many economies experience.  There is community resilience, like after a natural disaster such a hurricane.  And there is national resilience, which is needed now. The economic stimulus recently enacted is a good start. But more needs to be done!  Helping individuals increasing their Resilience, will create community Resilience. 

     There are many people suffering during these unsettled times, people with inadequate incomes to support a comfortable life style.  Many of whom lost their job and in many cases also lost their health coverage. This accounts for the more than 50,000,000 Americans due to the COVID-19 pandemic shut down, which we are still experiencing.   

     What can you personally do to help build Resilience?  Looking at the Resilience Factors “Factors of Resilience (1) where to start” May 17,2020″. Self-care is important.  How is this affecting you and your family? You will notice that not everyone is affected in the same way. 

  1. If you are adversely affected take care of your immediate needs.  If you lost your job apply for unemployment.  Activate your support network! Family, friends and social groups, lift each other up!  Most cities and municipalities have 211 service.  Calling 211 you can get assistance with food, housing, and employment, health care, counseling and more.    You need to take care of yourself and immediate household.  Asses your personal situation, evaluate a budget.  If you don’t have a budget, now is a good time to start one.  By doing this you are using “Active problem-solving”, which will help you to have a positive outlook.
  2. If you are not adversely affected, as many households and families or individuals are not as affected as others.  Have Meaning and purpose in what you do.  Being socially distance is important to stay safe agonist the COVID-19 virus.  Follow your local government and health department guide lines.  At the same time we need to support the economy and local businesses.  Likewise, established stores and services (travel, hotels, restaurants/cafes’ entertainment, etc.).  As we try to move toward a new normal, we need to safely come out of shelter in place or safe at home in place.  Order take out on delivery as your budget allows.  If restaurants are  open, dine according to your comfort allows, making sure they are set safely.  And help others in you support network, neighborhood and community.    
  3. Stay socially connected while being safe with others your encounter.  A lot of those working are telecommuting via Skye and Zoom to stay productive with work.    You can also connect with family and friends on line or by phone.  Heck you can even write a letter.   Be connected also means going for walks, enjoy parks and shopping for necessities.  That is the normal that can build up your personal, financial and community Resilience.
  4. We have all witnessed the protests, resulting from the racial and social injustices, in many states and cities nationwide.  And rightly so!  The ongoing events of the past six months should be an eye opener.  We all have had the RESET button pushed.  And going back to “Normal”,  is quickly a rear view mirror event.  Being Resilient starts with understanding your reaction to the event/events.  This is what you/we have control over.  Take stock of what is happening and act accordingly, Making Life Resilient.    


We can do this together, individually as one nation.  Stay vigilant building Resilience in yourself and those around you.  A simple smile can make another person’s day.    A kind gesture to help those in need around you, support community organizations that are important to you.  We can all be involved in the process of recovery and  build toward a positive inclusive rebound!

                          Be Resilient like butterflies!

     Thank you for visiting Making Life Resilient, Building success and happiness through Resilience.  When visiting my Blog page please leave a comment at getresilience@makingliferesilient.com  or Myresilience@comcast.net.

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Twitter @getresilience




(1)Department of State’s Center of Excellence in Foreign Affairs Resilience (CEFAR) at the


Published by Making Life Resilient

Butterflies are very resilient creatures. While they are little fragile creatures they endure extreme challenges’ in their short lived lives. They start out as caterpillars and through metamorphoses change into beautiful filing works of art. They migrate over vast miles taking several and up to dozens of generations to complete the journey! And they usually end up in the same destination as where they started. This is a truly resilient accomplishment, we are all capable of being resilient, like a Wild Butterfly.

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