RGB – End of an Era built on Resilience

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1933 – 2020 (3)

In my years of life as an adult, I reflect on the periods of history that are impactful in the way I live my daily life. I grew up in an era of change and challenges the Vietnam War, civil rights movement and Watergate to name a few.  Challenges that we all face as a nation.   Building my existence with in the confines of a civil society.  Although there were turbulent periods, a lot of the time life flows by as normal.  During the turbulent times, some naturally occurring and some provoked by fear and uncertainty.  There is always the one thing that helps us stay focused on the future and the opportunities and success it can offer. 

And that is that we live in civil society, wear fairness and justice are pillars of comfort.  Throughout history, there have been individuals that act in a way that make them stand out.  Those that are brazen and fearless to change accepted standards or norms that shape the society we live in.  They act to change, shape and expand what existed as normal and acceptable and apply it to the reality of life!  In doing so laying the foundations for Resilience, allowing for and optimistic future!  Facing challenges with resolve and commitment, open a dialog to promote equity and inclusiveness.    

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933 – 2020) is one of those individuals.  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an advocate for justice and the rights of all, women and men, throughout her career!   She accomplished this through Resilience and Governance!  She had a passion for advocating for the trodden, the inconspicuous and the many times, forgotten in society.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the balance of power that is so lacking in today’s government!  The balance of power that puts checks and balances in to the operation of the courts, government and the country at large!   She was a beacon of light for fairness and change.  Her work ethic was example of Resilience and Governance!

So what is Governance (2)?  Governance is a manor of governing that benefits all in society.  Good Governance is the foundation for building Resilience.   There are 8 characteristics of good Governance are:

  1. Participation
  2. Rule of law
  3. Transparency
  4. Responsiveness
  5. Consensus oriented
  6. Equity and inclusiveness
  7. Effectiveness and efficiency
  8. Accountability

Very few societies have come close to achieving good governance. However, to ensure civil interactions and sustainable human development, we must work towards this ideal, with the hope on maintaining a civil society. In my observation our countries leadership lacks Good Governance!  Ruth Bader Ginsburg up held the Rule of law, advocating for Equality and Inclusiveness.  Through her career in public office and working with the UCLA.  RBG fought for the participation with transparency Accountability and Effectiveness, She worked with her peer on the bench to get Consensus on cases and decisions that made her an icon for social justice. 

RGB was Resilient with every challenge she faced. From sexual discrimination in the tax code and work place, to the challenges the cases the Supreme Court accepts that shape the way laws are interrupted.  RBG fought and beat repeated health issues, coming back every time to fulfill her obligations and duties. Exhibiting true Resilience!  Resilience is a positive force that builds on past failures and successes. Resilience that exists in our governing bodies, corporate entities, educational and social intuitions. propagate, Confidence, Opportunity and Resilience to the ones they serve.  A government we elect serving the people who put them there.  Imagine that! 


We have influence over the future and the shape it may take.  Be an informed citizen and electorate making informed decisions.  Practice the 5 Factors of Resilience (1): Self-care, live life with meaning and purpose, practice Active problem solving, maintain a positive outlook and stay connected, help others that are in need. Resilience can be a live force for each of us that shapes the country we are. Thank you RBG for being a national icon and setting new standards fairness and justice! 

Thank you for visiting Making Life Resilient, Building success and happiness through Resilience. All posts are written and posted by Michael Reigle, founder and creator of Making Life Resilient. When visiting my Blog page please leave a comment at Makingliferesilient.com or Myresilience@comcast.net.

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(1)Department of State’s Center of Excellence in Foreign Affairs Resilience (CEFAR) at the


(2) UKessays


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Published by Making Life Resilient

Butterflies are very resilient creatures. While they are little fragile creatures they endure extreme challenges’ in their short lived lives. They start out as caterpillars and through metamorphoses change into beautiful filing works of art. They migrate over vast miles taking several and up to dozens of generations to complete the journey! And they usually end up in the same destination as where they started. This is a truly resilient accomplishment, we are all capable of being resilient, like a Wild Butterfly.

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