Social Support, a factor of Resilience

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Together we are stronger in these challenging times we need to come together and work through the challenges ever mounting. We are in yet another surge with COVID-19, reeling form the pull out from Afghanistan. Suffering the ravages of climate change with wild fires in the West and flooding from the Gulf of Mexico to the North East. And the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, 2001. We need to support on anther in our personal lives, in social circles, in the work place and in the heart. This is were Resilience starts!

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Working through challenges builds resilience.

Through out the past 18 plus months, during the 2020/21 pandemic a lot of isolation as be forced an everyone. Even if you wanted to do something closures and limits were in place. Take out took the place of eating out, grocery stores had limited and special hours. We humans are social beings, needing to interact. For many social media was the only way to contact distant relatives and friends. Television and entertainment took on social media as a means to connect with isolated hosts and guests.

Now that things are opening up and more of us become vaccinated. We can interact in person more in larger outdoor crowds and eating out not take out. I myself been to have a couple of postponed concerts and a recent NHL hockey game. All had available seats with very few wearing masks. There are still those who feel isolated and unsure how to deal with how they are feeling. Particular younger people and school aged children who haven’t experienced a lot of the life’s challenges older people have experienced.

Due to the limited social interactions, weather if be from reduced hour or loss of a job, remote learning for both grammar/high schools, colleges/universities. The challenges and stress are affecting many, mentally, physically and socially. Are bringing a high demand for emotional and physiological counseling. If you think you need help. Don’t hesitate to seek the counsel and comfort of a friend or loved on. Or seek professional help if you need it!

Resilience is a mindset that allows you to recover from set backs and challenges that seem to large to handle. Through social interaction weather it be family and loved ones, friends or co-workers, student or teacher. Or just you, we all ave the ability to develop and experience Resilience.

With as a good social network to and living life with a meaning purpose. You are using three of the Five Factors of Resilience. This is a good place to be in your Resilience. It does take some works and some self-reflection. The journey is yours to start, so get GOING!

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(1 )Department of State’s Center of Excellence in Foreign Affairs Resilience (CEFAR). (2 )

Published by Making Life Resilient

Butterflies are very resilient creatures. While they are little fragile creatures they endure extreme challenges’ in their short lived lives. They start out as caterpillars and through metamorphoses change into beautiful filing works of art. They migrate over vast miles taking several and up to dozens of generations to complete the journey! And they usually end up in the same destination as where they started. This is a truly resilient accomplishment, we are all capable of being resilient, like a Wild Butterfly.

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